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tonebase Piano Course

Liszt -

La Campanella

Taught by renowned pianist

Asiya Korepanova

One of the most beloved works of the Romantic piano literature, Liszt's "La Campanella" is also one of the most feared. A specialist in Liszt Etudes, Asiya Korepanova breaks down the technical challenges one-by-one, offering practice tips to help you find comfort and facility in passages you once thought impossible.<br><br>The piece is named "little bell," but the pianism required to play it is far from small. The right hand jumps in the opening passages are notoriously hard to play cleanly, but Korepanova reveals how to approach the jumps psychologically, knowing which notes to target and where to center the arm so that the leaps shrink.<br><br>What might seem like a serious difficulty in the piece – episodic passages, each requiring a different technique – also makes the piece easier, since you never have to continue the use of a given muscle group for more than a few phrases, unlike in other Etudes. For each of these techniques – leaps, repeated notes, trills, octaves, rapid chromatic scales – Korepanova demonstrates practice strategies for reducing the specific difficulty, relieving strain and stress from your forearm, and ultimately achieving brilliance and ease in execution.<br><br>The piece is not Mount Everest, says Korepanova. Once the challenges are broken down into a series of achievable physical tasks, they can be surmounted with relative ease.

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Course Syllabus

La Campanella

One of the most beloved works of the Romantic piano literature, Liszt's "La Campanella" is also one of the most feared. A specialist in Liszt Etudes, Asiya Korepanova breaks down the technical challenges one-by-one, offering practice tips to help you find comfort and facility in passages you once thought impossible.

The piece is named "little bell," but the pianism required to play it is far from small. The right hand jumps in the opening passages are notoriously hard to play cleanly, but Korepanova reveals how to approach the jumps psychologically, knowing which notes to target and where to center the arm so that the leaps shrink.

What might seem like a serious difficulty in the piece – episodic passages, each requiring a different technique – also makes the piece easier, since you never have to continue the use of a given muscle group for more than a few phrases, unlike in other Etudes. For each of these techniques – leaps, repeated notes, trills, octaves, rapid chromatic scales – Korepanova demonstrates practice strategies for reducing the specific difficulty, relieving strain and stress from your forearm, and ultimately achieving brilliance and ease in execution.

The piece is not Mount Everest, says Korepanova. Once the challenges are broken down into a series of achievable physical tasks, they can be surmounted with relative ease.

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Asiya Korepanova

Asiya Korepanova

The only pianist currently performing Liszt's 24 Etudes as a single program and one of few to tout a concerto list that features over 60 works, Asiya Korepanova is a pianistic powerhouse and rapidly rising star.

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Asiya Korepanova
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