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tonebase Piano Course

Chopin -

Etude Op. 10 No. 2 in A Minor

Taught by renowned pianist

Henry Kramer

In this lesson, American pianist Henry Kramer guides you through Chopin’s Étude Op. 10, No. 2 in A Minor, an exercise in developing the independence of the weaker fingers of the right hand. <br><br>Kramer begins by teaching you rudimentary exercises that will help you to build a firm foundation for the technical demands of this piece. First, he advises you to focus your attention on the étude’s left-hand part, practicing a staccato that bounces off the keyboard. Learning this upward motion will invite your fingertips to come together in a natural close midair, helping your hands to release tension. <br><br>Then, Kramer teaches you to dissect the right-hand part, practicing the staccatos in your first and second fingers before gradually incorporating fragments of the chromatic scale with your third, fourth, and fifth fingers. <br><br>Once you have built this firm foundation, you will learn Kramer’s strategies for maintaining stamina. In this piece, your fingers do not always need to dig fully into the keybed. Rather, imagine your right hand as a “pond skimming insect” gliding over the keyboard. When you do need to create a louder sound, however, Kramer suggests focusing your efforts on your left hand, as the resonance of the bass register will create the illusion of a more evenly distributed forte dynamic.

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Course Syllabus

Etude Op. 10 No. 2 in A Minor

In this lesson, American pianist Henry Kramer guides you through Chopin’s Étude Op. 10, No. 2 in A Minor, an exercise in developing the independence of the weaker fingers of the right hand.

Kramer begins by teaching you rudimentary exercises that will help you to build a firm foundation for the technical demands of this piece. First, he advises you to focus your attention on the étude’s left-hand part, practicing a staccato that bounces off the keyboard. Learning this upward motion will invite your fingertips to come together in a natural close midair, helping your hands to release tension.

Then, Kramer teaches you to dissect the right-hand part, practicing the staccatos in your first and second fingers before gradually incorporating fragments of the chromatic scale with your third, fourth, and fifth fingers.

Once you have built this firm foundation, you will learn Kramer’s strategies for maintaining stamina. In this piece, your fingers do not always need to dig fully into the keybed. Rather, imagine your right hand as a “pond skimming insect” gliding over the keyboard. When you do need to create a louder sound, however, Kramer suggests focusing your efforts on your left hand, as the resonance of the bass register will create the illusion of a more evenly distributed forte dynamic.

Wanderer Fantasy – Introduction

Join international prizewinner Henry Kramer for an introduction to Schubert's great "Wanderer" Fantasy, D. 760. This video presents the ideas that underpin the whole work, most notably its deep connection with musical and poetic themes from Schubert's song of the same name, whose essential nature is summed up in one of its lines: "I am a stranger everywhere."

Kramer discusses the rhythmic and melodic motives that permeate the work and finds great depth of meaning in how they relate to various lieder. He also demontrates how Schubert borrows exciting textures from his orchestral works and string quartets. With this overarching context in mind, watch the lessons covering each movement in detail.

Wanderer Fantasy – I. Allegro con fuoco man non troppo

Join international prizewinner Henry Kramer for close look at the first movment of Schubert's great "Wanderer" Fantasy, D. 760. The lesson is in three parts: first, Kramer examines the harmony of each section, precisely relating these modulations to sections of the lied on which the Fantasy is based.

Second, Kramer addresses the question of accents. Schubert writes many types of accents in this work, and Kramer demonstrates how to hold the audience's attention with distinctive and diverse accentuation.

Finally, Kramer turns to the elephant in the room and provides detailed technical advice for how to play this work fluently – including the notorious octave passage.

Wanderer Fantasy – II. Adagio

Join international prizewinner Henry Kramer for close look at the second movement of Schubert's great "Wanderer" Fantasy, D. 760. This movement is the emotional heart of the work, and is the most closely connected musically and poetically to the lied "Der Wanderer." Kramer shows how to reflect the twists and turns of the poetry with voicing, pedaling, and phrasing.

As the movement becomes more animated, Kramer demonstrates remarkable colors, shows its connection with orchestral writing, and finds practical solutions for tricky passages.

Wanderer Fantasy – III. Presto

Join international prizewinner Henry Kramer for close look at the third movement of Schubert's great "Wanderer" Fantasy, D. 760. This Presto is a high-spirited dance movement, full of references to Austrian dances such as the ländler. Kramer demonstrates exactly how to get the right amount of lilt and supple accentuation, and how specific passages relate not only to the rest of this movement, but the whole Fantasy. Finally, he gives key insights into managing the precipitous arpeggios that close the movement.

Wanderer Fantasy – IV. Allegro

Join international prizewinner Henry Kramer for close look at the fourth movement of Schubert's great "Wanderer" Fantasy, D. 760. Like many works from this period, this finale begins with a fugato. Kramer puts this movement in context, showing the relation of its tempo to the first movement as well as its harmonic content. He demonstrates voicing it as if it were a full orchestra, and devotes the majority of the lesson to specific technical tips on crossing the thumb and tricky position changes.

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Henry Kramer

Henry Kramer

Garnering international recognition with a Second Prize win in the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels, pianist Henry Kramer is developing a reputation as a musician of rare sensitivity who combines stylish programming with insightful and exuberant interpretations.

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Henry Kramer
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