Philipp Jundt
Artist biography

Philipp Jundt

Philipp Jundt has been shuttling between the continents of Asia, Europe, and America for over a decade. With the warmth of his tone paired with great dynamic expressiveness, the Swiss-born flutist inspires audiences worldwide.


Philipp Jundt

Philipp Jundt has been shuttling between the continents of Asia, Europe, and America for over a decade. With the warmth of his tone paired with great dynamic expressiveness, the Swiss-born flutist inspires audiences worldwide. Multifaceted concert programs with premieres and arrangements from the song and violin repertoire make Philipp Jundt’s concerts an extraordinary experience. He is passionately dedicated to historical performance practice as well as its research and contemporary music. In addition to his concert activities, Philipp Jundt holds a professorship in Korea as well as in Switzerland.

Philipp Jundt performs as a soloist with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, with the Camerata Zurich, with the chamber orchestras of Bern, Basel, and Zurich, with the Camerata Munich and with the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra; in Korea with the Korean Symphony and Chamber Orchestra and with the Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra.

The flutist has played under renowned conductors such as Christoph Eschenbach, David Philip Hefti, Alexander Lazarev, Fabio Luisi, Zubin Metha, Krzysztof Penderecki, Helmut Rilling, Jukka-Pekka Saraste and Jeffrey Tate. He has also collaborated musically with Sir Colin Davies and Lorin Maazel.

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Philipp Jundt

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