Danzas Argentinas
Taught by renowned pianist
Barbara Nissman
Join Barbara Nissman for a lively lesson on Alberto Ginastera’s folk-inspired Danzas Argentinas, written when the composer was just 19. Nissman is the perfect guide for these popular, zesty pieces: she knew Ginastera, and his last-ever composition was written expressly for her.<br><br>Nissman walks you through the characterful narrative of each piece, ranging from quirky ambling and prodding in the “Dance of Old Cowherd,” to melancholy and passionate singing in the “Dance of the Beautiful Maiden, to fire and exuberance in the “Dance of the Outlaw Cowboy.”<br><br>Ginastera’s style features a number of vivid ideas borrowed from Argentinian folk music: imitations of open strings and the strummed flamenco guitar, and the driving rhythm of the malambo (a competitive dance). With practical advice on interpreting Ginastera’s notation, where to place accents that keep the rhythm stable, use of your hands, arms, and even legs, Nissmann shows that Ginastera’s music is actually less difficult than it sounds!

