Course Syllabus
In this lesson, Dominic Cheli teaches you how to play basic triads, voicing chords, using different parts of your body depending on the musical passage, and an intro to playing octaves.
Playing Chords and Octaves in Inversions Across the Keyboard
In this lesson, Dominic Cheli teaches how to play chords and octaves in inversions across the keyboard. He specifically discusses the importance of where to use the 4th finger, tips on broken octaves, and relaxing the hand.
Rolled Chords and Accompanimental Chords
Dominic Cheli teaches how to play rolled chords and the wide variety of options, as well as how to play accompanimental chords in either hand.
Relaxing the Hand to Develop Speed and Accuracy in Chords and Octaves
In this lesson, Dominic teaches how to develop speed and accuracy in chords and octaves with a focus on relaxing the hand, paying attention to middle notes, using the 4th finger, and how to lead the hand for octave playing.
How to Elevate Your Chords and Octaves to the Highest Level
In this lesson, Dominic teaches how to play some of the most difficult chord/octave passages in the repertoire by using focused and safe amounts of tension in the hand, micro rubato for long passages of octaves, and the pedal's role to glue sounds together.
Click here to download the course workbook PDF and see the full syllabus →