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Salut d'Amour, Op. 12


Edward Elgar

Edward Elgar's "Salut d'Amour," Op. 12, is a charming and sentimental short piece for violin and piano, composed in 1888. Originally written as an engagement present for his wife-to-be, Caroline Alice Roberts, Elgar published it under a pseudonym, concealing his authorship until later. The "Salut d'Amour" has since become one of Elgar's most popular and enduring works, celebrated for its lyrical beauty and heartfelt expression.

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Salut d'Amour, Op. 12


Tina Guo

In this lesson, we learn about making a singing tone on the cello. Guo teaches us about creating big ranges of expression, and makes the important point that sometimes, even if we as players think we have conveyed a musical idea, it doesn't always come across to the audience, and therefore we need to make use of a larger dynamic range than we imagined. Guo also teaches us about creating a broad expressive palate with use of differing vibrati and bow shadings.

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tonebase Cello

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