Johannes Kreusch
Artist biography

Johannes Kreusch

Las numerosas grabaciones de Johannes Tonio Kreusch han recibido grandes elogios de la crítica, que las ha alabado por "suplantar las legendarias grabaciones de Narciso Yepes y Julian Bream".


Johannes Kreusch

Johannes Tonio Kreusch´s numerous recordings have received high critical acclaim, e.g. the “10 de Répertoire“ award by the French music magazine “Classica Répertoire“ for the CD featuring the 12 Etudes by Heitor Villa-Lobos. It was praised for “the new recording standard supplanting the legendary recordings of Narciso Yepes and Julian Bream“.

Johannes Tonio Kreusch`s recordings cover a broad spectrum, from Bach´s work for lute to romantic and modern guitar music, including world premiere recordings of contemporary works as well as his own compositions and improvisations.

He is the author of many publications and artistic director of the International Guitar Festivals in Hersbruck and Wertingen. Together with his brother, Jazz pianist Cornelius Claudio Kreusch he is co-founder and artistic director of the award winning concert series Ottobrunner Konzerte near Munich, Germany and the music festival |Look into the Future| in Burghausen, Germany

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Johannes Kreusch

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