Scott Tennant
Artist biography

Scott Tennant

Miembro fundador del LA Guitar Quartet, ganador de un Grammy, Scott Tennant es conocido como uno de los mejores virtuosos de la guitarra y pedagogo del mundo gracias a su libro "Pumping Nylon".


Scott Tennant

Scott Tennant is considered to be one of the world’s premiere guitar virtuosos, and is a favorite guest artist with orchestras, on music series and major guitar festivals around the world. He is a founding member of the Grammy®-winning ensemble L.A. Guitar Quartet, now in their 30th year. He has made numerous recordings as a soloist on the GHA and Delos labels, and with members of the LAGQ he has recorded for GHA, Delos, Sony Classical, Windham Hill, Deutsche Grammophon and Telarc labels. Their Telarc release “LAGQ LATIN" was nominated for a Grammy Award, and it was their Telarc title “LAGQ’S GUITAR HEROES" which won a Grammy® as the best classical crossover recording of 2005.

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Scott Tennant

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