Jennifer Grim
Artist biography

Jennifer Grim

Aclamada como "una solista de flauta hábil y suave" por el New York Times, la flautista Jennifer Grim ha ofrecido actuaciones como solista y de cámara por todo el mundo. En la actualidad, Jennifer es profesora asociada en la Frost School of Music de la Universidad de Miami, así como presidenta del Consejo de Administración de Chamber Music America y vicepresidenta de la National Flute Association.


Jennifer Grim

Hailed as "a deft, smooth flute soloist" by the New York Times, flutist Jennifer Grim has given solo and chamber performances throughout the globe. Jennifer is currently Associate Professor at the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami as well as the President of the Board of Directors of Chamber Music America and Vice President of the National Flute Association.

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Jennifer Grim

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