Rachel Brown
Artist biography

Rachel Brown

Rachel Brown, una de las principales exponentes de las flautas históricas, está muy solicitada en todo el mundo como solista, intérprete de orquesta y profesora. Como flautista principal y flautista de pico con la Academy of Ancient Music, la Hanover Band, el Brandenburg Consort, Collegium Musicum 90, Ex Cathedra y, más recientemente, Arcangelo, ha realizado numerosas grabaciones y actuado por toda Europa, Norteamérica y Sudamérica, Japón, China y Australia.


Rachel Brown

A leading exponent of historical flutes, Rachel Brown is in great demand worldwide, as a soloist, orchestral player and teacher. As principal flute and recorder player with the Academy of Ancient Music, the Hanover Band, the Brandenburg Consort, Collegium Musicum 90, Ex Cathedra and, more recently, Arcangelo, she has recorded extensively and performed throughout Europe, North and South America, Japan, China and Australia.

Her acclaimed solo recordings include the Telemann Fantasias, sonatas and concertos by JS, CPE and JC Bach, Handel, Quantz and Leclair.

Rachel’s publications include The Early Flute, A Practical Guide, cadenzas for the Mozart Concertos, two volumes of Quantz Flute Sonatas and her own completion of the Bach A major flute sonata.

She has pioneered a new baroque chamber music course in the UK (Pro Corda) for modern and baroque instrumentalists and teaches on annual summer schools in Brazil and Croatia. She leads a thriving flute class at the Royal College of Music.

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Rachel Brown

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