Barbara Nissman
Artist biography

Barbara Nissman

Aclamada como "una de las últimas pianistas de la gran tradición romántica de Liszt, Rachmaninoff y Rubinstein", Barbara Nissman continúa la gran tradición de bravura del pianismo romántico.


Barbara Nissman

Barbara Nissman connects not only with the music and its composer, but she connects the composer to the listener, touching souls in the process. She makes music relevant to all of us, spinning out wonderful tales that need to be heard. Hailed as “one of the last pianists in the grand Romantic tradition of Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and Rubinstein,” Barbara Nissman continues the grand bravura tradition of romantic pianism.

Her recordings of Prokofiev, Bartók and Ginastera are considered “definitive,” and she has garnered praise for her series of recordings of nineteenth-century composers, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms and also Rachmaninoff. She has also recorded ten volumes of her favorite recital programs. All of Nissman’s recordings are now available on her new record label, Three Oranges Recordings. (

Barbara Nissman's international career was personally launched by Eugene Ormandy who had previously engaged her as soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra. She has performed with the leading orchestras of Europe and America including the London Philharmonic, the Royal Philharmonic, the BBC Symphony, the Rotterdam Philharmonic and the Munich Philharmonic; in the US she has appeared with the New York Philharmonic, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony, the Pittsburgh Symphony, the St. Louis Symphony, the National Symphony and the Cleveland Orchestra among others. She has worked with some of the major conductors of our time including Eugene Ormandy, Riccardo Muti, Stanislaw Skrowaczewski and Leonard Slatkin.

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Barbara Nissman

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