Chelsea Guo
Artist biography

Chelsea Guo

Chelsea Guo destaca como una nueva y notable artista musical, igualmente inspirada como pianista clásica y como soprano. Ganó las Audiciones Internacionales de Jóvenes Concertistas en 2022 como pianista y vocalista, un doble galardón sin precedentes en la historia de la YCA.


Chelsea Guo

​Chelsea Guo stands out as a remarkable new musical artist, equally inspired as both a classical pianist and a soprano.

​“Here is a rare talent,” exclaimed BBC Music Magazine upon the 2021 release of Chelsea’s debut recording, Chopin in My Voice, featuring interpretations of a range of Chopin’s piano compositions augmented by performances of several of the composer’s songs, plus an aria by Rossini in which Chelsea accompanies herself. Leading the ensuing raves, Gramophone Magazine included the CD among its “Essential New Albums.”

Chelsea won the Young Concert Artists International Auditions in 2022 as both pianist and vocalist – the double award a first in YCA history. That same year, she was named one of British radio station Classic FM’s “Rising Stars: 30 Brilliant Musicians We’re Celebrating in 2022.”

Chelsea Guo’s career is flowering internationally, including her participation in such prominent music festivals as Germany’s Moritzburg Festival, Italy’s Fazioli Piano Festival and Spain’s Sociedad Filarmónica de A Coruña, alongside performances at New York’s Carnegie Hall and London’s Wigmore Hall. Highlights of 2023 include recital debuts in Chicago and Boston, an engagement with San Diego’s Mainly Mozart Festival as both piano soloist and soprano, and concerts in Singapore and Malaysia.

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Chelsea Guo

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