Derek Remeš
Artist biography

Derek Remeš

El pianista y teórico Derek Remeš es conocido internacionalmente como una de las principales autoridades en la práctica del teclado del siglo XVIII.


Derek Remeš

Derek Remeš (“Remish”) teaches music theory at the Music Hochschule in Lucerne, Switzerland. He completed a Ph.D. in music theory at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg, Germany. He won the 2019 Dissertation Award from the Society for Music Theory for his groundbreaking research into J. S. Bach’s compositional pedagogy using historical sources.

An accomplished pianist and organist, Remeš is a graduate of Berklee and Eastman schools of music. These lessons are based on his new two-volume book, The Art of Preluding (The Leupold Foundation, 2021).

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Derek Remeš

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