Jarred Dunn
Artist biography

Jarred Dunn

Destacado en la lista de 2018 de la CBC "Top 30 Under 30: Hot Canadian Classical Musicians of 2018", Jarred Dunn ya se ha establecido como un reputado solista internacional y venerado pedagogo.


Jarred Dunn

Yamaha Artist Jarred Dunn has been described by critics as “evocative and mystical” (New York Classical Music Guide), "technically perfect" (Belarus First Radio), "a piano sound-colour magician" (Muzikos Barai, Vilnius), and "a virtuoso with the most exquisite touch" (Freethought Today, Madison) Featured on the CBC’s Top Thirty Under Thirty: Hot Canadian Classical Musicians of 2018, he hosted This is My Music, was the subject of the CBC’s Five Things I Learned from Maria João-Pires, and been heard on CBC Radio, Belarus First, Freethought Radio-Television Madison, and WQXR New York.

Mr. Dunn won First Prize and Concerto Award at the Seventh Lithuanian Chopin International Competition (Vilnius 2018) and was a Prizewinner at the First Jan Hoffman International Competition (Kraków 2019). He has appeared with the Vilnius Chamber, Belarus Radio-Television, Toruń, NOSPR Katowice, Budapest Chamber, Sinfonia Toronto, and Niagara Symphony Orchestras, among others. He has performed as a recitalist and chamber musician in North America, Europe, and Australia. Following an all-Chopin recital in Warsaw, one critic noted his "virtuosity, amazing sense of style, elegance and noble - but not excessive - sensitivity…beautiful piano and powerful forte, melodious - but not sugary - cantilena, broad phrasing and very rich, nuanced range of sounds” (Nina Sankari).

He regularly lectures and teaches master classes at universities and conservatories. He has served as a juror for piano competitions in Canada, the United States, and Europe. Published by the CMEA and Canadian Music Teacher Journals, he is the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships for his pedagogical, scholarly, and pianistic achievements, most recently substantial research-creation grants from the Canada Arts Council and Fonds de Recherche du Quebec.

After receiving the WO Forsyth Graduation Award from the University of Toronto (BM), Jarred pursued professional studies at The Juilliard School with Jacob Lateiner and Yoheved Kaplinsky, and studied with Dorothy Taubman in New York. He graduated with distinction from the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice (MM, Diploma) where he studied with Prof. Anna Górecka, and pursued an Artist Diploma at the Bydgoszcz Academy of Music where he was a student of Prof. Katarzyna Popowa-Zydroń. In Europe, he coached with Dmitri Bashkirov, Andrzej Jasiński, Robert Levin, and Maria João-Pires.

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Jarred Dunn

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