Johnandrew Slominski
Artist biography

Johnandrew Slominski

El pianista estadounidense Johnandrew Slominski disfruta de una dinámica y próspera carrera como intérprete, pedagogo y teórico.


Johnandrew Slominski

American pianist Johnandrew Slominski enjoys a distinguished reputation as a performer, pedagogue, and theorist. His elegant playing has earned praise from composers and critics alike. Slominski has been hailed as "a remarkable, brilliant, and gifted pianist" (Chautauquan Daily), commended for performing with "a great deal of intellect" (89.9 KBPS Portland), and recognized for his communicative performance: "I was profoundly moved by his performance... He has a musicianship that transcends his youthfulness." (Eye on Sun Valley). His 2016 San Francisco solo debut, presented by the New Piano Collective, earned praise as "awe-inspiring" and "ear-opening" from Stephen Smoliar of the San Francisco Examiner. Slominski seamlessly navigates the landscape of a varied and thriving career as a soloist, chamber musician, music theorist, author, pedagogue, and speaker. Highlights of recent seasons include performances of concerti by Schumann and Mozart, two concert tours of California, recordings for Oxford University Press, a CD of solo piano music on the Centaur label, performances with tenor Robert Swensen, two lieder CDs (an all-Schumann disc with tenor Robert Swensen and an all-Schubert disc with soprano Kayleen Sánchez--Slominski's fortepiano debut recording), and dozens of teaching and speaking engagements in the United States and Asia. From 2012-2017, Slominski was Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, and he is currently Assistant Professor of Piano and Music Theory at Linfield University in Oregon.

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Johnandrew Slominski

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