Leann Osterkamp
Artist biography

Leann Osterkamp

Leann Osterkamp, artista Steinway, se ha consolidado como una música versátil conocida por sus interpretaciones definitivas de los compositores estadounidenses Leonard Bernstein y John Musto.


Leann Osterkamp

Joining the historic Steinway Artist roster in 2019, American pianist, Leann Osterkamp, has performed at Caramoor, the Kennedy Center, The Baryshnikov Center, Carnegie’s Weill Hall, Steinway Hall, Bellco Theater, Merkin Hall, and as a featured soloist with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra in Boettcher Concert Hall. The NY Times has described her as bringing “descriptive color” to her performances. The LA Times describes her as a “strong” collaborator with “the desired flashiness.”

Her work with Steinway began with her acceptance to the Young Steinway Artist roster in 2010. A recording artist, she has recorded for Steinway Spirio and her recordings of Ravel were featured by David Dubal on WQXR. Her solo album The Complete Works of Leonard Bernstein for Solo Piano and her recording of John Musto’s Improvisation & Fugue on a second album are released under the Steinway and Sons Label. Her featured album release concert at Steinway Hall was heralded as “breathtaking” and “one for the history books” by New York Music Daily. Her recordings were featured on Alex Ross’ (critic for The New Yorker) “Nightafternight” playlist. The Santa Fe New Mexican states, “she infuses her interpretations with vigor, wit, sonic color, and a variegated touch, drawing effectively on the broad expressive range of her instrument.” Most recently, she was interviewed by BBC Music Magazine.

She has garnered numerous accolades, in both performance and academia, starting with her first competitive win at age 8. She was named a U.S. Presidential Scholar of the Arts through the United States Department of Education under President Obama. She is the first prize winner of the Schlern International Music Festival/Competition in Italy, the Wells/Steinway Concerto Competition, and the Music Teachers National Association at state and regional levels. She received a Silver Award at NFAA YoungArts and received The Pearla Despot Award at the 2013 Wideman International Piano Competition. She is a past recipient of the Gary J. Amsterdam Scholarship, Dorothy Rogers Smith Scholarship, and Joseph Fidelman Scholarship.

A recognized chamber artist in NY, she was the first pianist to ever be welcomed into the New York Festival of Song residencies, performing at Caramoor and collaborating with artists such as Bright Sheng and Mark Adamo. Leann has appeared as a guest masterclass presenter with Chamber Music Associates. As a vocal coach, she received prestigious scholarships/fellowships to study vocal coaching at Songfest@Colburn and Middlebury College.

Leann’s academic research was awarded the Baisley Powell Elebash Dissertation Award and the Knickerbocker Award for Archival Research in American Studies. She has lectured on this research at prestigious universities such as Brooklyn College, The Juilliard School, and The Graduate Center CUNY as well as the Early Research Initiative Conference. She was an archival lecturer and performer at the Library of Congress in Spring 2018. Most recently, she served as guest editor for the 2019 American Music Review Journal.

Formerly an Adjunct Faculty member at The Juilliard School, having taught for over five years in every area of the Keyboard Studies Department, Leann is currently on faculty at Regis Jesuit High School where she is the Boys Choir director, Orchestra director, and teaches piano, guitar, and vocal coaching. She received her BM and MM from The Juilliard School and her DMA from The Graduate Center CUNY.

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Leann Osterkamp

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