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Curso de tonebase Piano

Ligeti -

At the Limits of Human Performance

Impartido por el renombrado pianista

Imri Talgam

Join Israeli pianist Imri Talgam for a look at the aesthetic of György Ligeti, famous for his mind-bending and finger-twisting études. These groundbreaking works test the limits of what’s possible for human performers, their unyielding logic making few concessions to practicality. In spite of this (or perhaps because of it), Ligeti’s études have become an object of fascination for pianists. After mastering one of these essays in impossibility, complex works by other composers seem simple by comparison.<br><br>Talgam dives deeply into these issues as well as Ligeti’s fascination with texture and polyrhythm. Perhaps most importantly, he addresses the mindset necessary to successfully learn and perform a Ligeti étude.

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Programa del curso

At the Limits of Human Performance

Join Israeli pianist Imri Talgam for a look at the aesthetic of György Ligeti, famous for his mind-bending and finger-twisting études. These groundbreaking works test the limits of what’s possible for human performers, their unyielding logic making few concessions to practicality. In spite of this (or perhaps because of it), Ligeti’s études have become an object of fascination for pianists. After mastering one of these essays in impossibility, complex works by other composers seem simple by comparison.

Talgam dives deeply into these issues as well as Ligeti’s fascination with texture and polyrhythm. Perhaps most importantly, he addresses the mindset necessary to successfully learn and perform a Ligeti étude.

Etude No. 2 – Cordes à vide

In this lesson, contemporary music virtuoso Imri Talgam guides you through Ligeti’s Etude No. 2, “Cordes à vide.” This beautiful work is one of Ligeti’s most approachable etudes, and is a good introduction to his piano works.

The title means “open strings,” and accordingly, the piece is entirely based on perfect fifths. Despite this simple premise, this etudes still holds various challenges, and Talgam provides specific, straightforward advice to highlight its many-layered beauty. He begins by exploring how Ligeti keeps the piece interesting despite using only fifths, and that complexities of rhythm and counterpoint become essential elements of structure.

To ease these difficulties, Talgam finds ways to show the underlying simplicity of seemingly complex passages, suggesting the use of compound rhythm and re-notated meter to reveal the clarity of various patterns. In combination with other tips, this helps you build a foundation to keep the counterpoint clear and expressive.

Talgam also offers practical, step-by-step help with meter, polyrhythms, hand position changes, repeated notes, and nuances of touch – even including silent playing!

Etude No. 1 – Désordre

In this lesson, contemporary music virtuoso Imri Talgam guides you through Ligeti’s mind-bending Etude No. 1, “Désordre.” This piece is essentially a musical version of the butterfly effect, and matters quickly get out of hand. Anyone hoping to master its extreme challenges and radical innovations will need some seriously good advice.

Luckily, Talgam knows this music inside and out. To help wrap your brain (and hands) around the unique rhythmic structure of this piece, Talgam offers 11 surefire practice tips, along with many insightful remarks on memorization, pedaling, and most important of all: counting. The misaligned barlines in Désordre scare off many pianists, but by following Talgam’s specific steps to break down the texture into simpler and more intelligible units, you’ll be able to practice this etude without overloading your brain. Well, not as much, anyway.

Etude No. 4 – Fanfares

György Ligeti's first book of six piano etudes are arguably the greatest contribution to the piano repertoire in the past half-century, and as contemporary music specialist Imri Talgam shows, the fourth Etude "Fanfares" is the best entry point into the masterful volume.

Talgam breaks down the rhythmic irregularities in the insistent rising ostinato figure and the double-note "fanfares" that come in and out of sync with it. He argues that the main challenge of Ligeti's study is less physical than it is mental: developing the versatility of awareness to manage the competing rhythmic figures. Talgam's re-notation of Ligeti's score provides a complement to the original, and promotes this very awareness. Concerned, ultimately, with realizing Ligeti's gem at the piano, Talgam spends the majority of the lesson focusing on practical strategies for coordinating left and right hands and promoting facility in touch and articulation.

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Imri Talgam

Imri Talgam

Ganador del 11º Concours International de Piano d'Orléans, Imri Talgam se perfila como uno de los intelectuales musicales más perspicaces de su generación y uno de los principales intérpretes de la música de finales del siglo XX y del siglo XXI.

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Imri Talgam
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