Adam Han-Gorski
Artist biography

Adam Han-Gorski

Adam Han-Gorski estudió con el legendario Jascha Heifetz y en 1976 fue nombrado Concertino de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio de Viena, cargo que ocupó durante veinticinco años. Como solista, el Sr. Han-Gorksi ha actuado en todo el mundo, recibiendo grandes elogios de la prensa por su virtuosismo sin esfuerzo y su profunda musicalidad.


Adam Han-Gorski

After receiving a diploma from the Israeli Academy of Music in Tel Aviv, Adam Han-Gorski studied with the legendary Jascha Heifetz for four years in Los Angeles. From 1967 to 1970 he performed in the Cleveland Orchestra under George Szell and has held concertmaster posts with the Metropolitan Opera National Company, the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, and the Minnesota Orchestra. In 1976, he was appointed Concertmaster of the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, a position he held for twenty-five years. As a soloist, Mr. Han-Gorksi has performed in major cities in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Salvador, South Korea, Japan, South Africa, Israel and all of Europe, receiving great acclaim from the press for his effortless virtuosity and profound musicianship.

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Adam Han-Gorski

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