Ilya Gringolts
Artist biography

Ilya Gringolts

Como solicitado solista, Ilya Gringolts se dedica tanto al gran repertorio orquestal como a obras contemporáneas y se interesa por las prácticas interpretativas históricas. Ganó el Concurso Internacional de Violín Premio Paganini (1998) y sigue siendo el ganador más joven de la historia del concurso.


Ilya Gringolts

As a sought-after soloist, Ilya Gringolts devotes himself to the great orchestral repertoire as well as to contemporary works and he takes an interest in historical performance practices. He has appeared with the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, the Elbphilharmonie, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Budapest Festival Orchestra, and the Tonhalle Orchestra in his hometown of Zurich, among many others. As first violinist of the Gringolts Quartet, he has enjoyed great success at the Salzburg Festival, Lucerne Festival, Edinburgh Festival, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Philharmonie Luxembourg, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Konzerthaus Dortmund, and Teatro La Fenice in Venice. After studying violin and composition in St. Petersburg with Tatiana Liberova and Zhanneta Metallidi, he attended the Juilliard School of Music, where he studied with Itzhak Perlman. He won the International Violin Competition Premio Paganini (1998) and is still the youngest winner in the competition’s history.

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Ilya Gringolts

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