Noah Bendix-Balgley
Artist biography

Noah Bendix-Balgley

Noah Bendix-Balgley disfruta de una amplia vida musical como violinista. Es primer concertino de la Filarmónica de Berlín y realiza giras como solista y músico de cámara. Su sonido personal, claro y sincero, ha llegado y conmovido a oyentes de todo el mundo.


Noah Bendix-Balgley

Noah Bendix-Balgley enjoys a wide-ranging musical life as a violinist. He is First Concertmaster of the Berliner Philharmoniker and tours both as a soloist and  as a chamber musician. His clear and heartfelt personal sound has reached and moved listeners around the world.

Born in Asheville, North Carolina, Noah began playing the violin at age 4. At age 9, he played for Lord Yehudi Menuhin. He graduated from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music and the Munich Hochschule. His principal mentors were Mauricio Fuks, Christoph Poppen and Ana Chumachenco. A laureate of the 2009 Queen Elisabeth Competition, he also won top prizes at the Long-Thibaud Competition in France and the Postacchini Competition in Italy.

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Noah Bendix-Balgley

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