Philippe Quint
Artist biography

Philippe Quint

El violinista estadounidense Philippe Quint, nominado a varios premios Grammy, es reconocido internacionalmente por su enfoque único y perspicaz del repertorio estándar, la defensa de la nueva música, el redescubrimiento de repertorio olvidado y la creación de un nuevo formato de docu-concierto: viajes multimedia sobre las vidas de Astor Piazzolla y Charlie Chaplin.


Philippe Quint

Multi Grammy Award nominee American violinist Philippe Quint is internationally recognized for his unique and insightful approach to standard repertoire, championing new music, rediscovering neglected repertoire and creating a new format of docu-concert experience; multimedia journeys about lives of Astor Piazzolla and Charlie Chaplin.

“Truly phenomenal” is how BBC Music Magazine recently described him, also adding that “Quint’s tonal opulence, generously inflected with subtle portamentos, sounds like a throwback to the glory days of Fritz Kreisler.”

With an award winning discography of 17 commercial releases, Philippe Quint is constantly in demand and regularly appears with major orchestras and conductors worldwide at venues ranging from the Gewandhaus in Leipzig to Carnegie Hall in New York, while making frequent guest appearances at the most prestigious festivals including Verbier, Aspen, Colmar, Hollywood Bowl and Dresden Festspiele.

Philippe Quint plays the magnificent 1708 "Ruby" Antonio Stradivari violin on loan to him through the generous efforts of The Stradivari Society®.

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Philippe Quint

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